๐ŸŸขStartup Wealthtech

Leve is an early stage Wealthtech startup based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in 2021, by two local entrepreneurs with more than 10 years of experience in Fintech and more than 6 years in the Cryptocurrency market. Having other startups in the bag: one of the first Bitcoin exchanges in Brazil (TemBTC sold in 2019).

They came together to realize their vision of a truly democratic investment platform. We use the latest and greatest in financial innovation and blockchain technology to build a new concept of investment application.

We are the first investment app/platform in Brazil that is Multi assets, with its own native token, the Leve Tokenโ„ข

Leve unites the forefront of digital investments (blockchain and crypto assets), with all its power and new possibilities, to the traditional investment market.

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