⚖️The Leve Token & The Leve.

“Take the Leve way of investing in your pocket”.

Leve Token seeks, through decentralized fees, to apply capital in investments in the traditional market that can leverage and maximize Leve®'s growth. Through Leve® Investors will be able to access multi-asset investments, which makes it possible to actively return to DeFi. The token will receive 15% of the Net Profit from “Leve®” operations, through the direct purchase and burning of the token.

🤑✨ 100% do Lucro Líquido e Projeção.

✅ 15% - Decentralized (DeFi - Buy and burn Leve Token).

✅ 10% - Developers/Development.

✅ 15% - Platform expansion (App & DApp) and ISO 27001 structuring.

✅ 60% - Creation and management of Fundo Leve®.

Token Leve is our gateway to the crypto asset market. They are 100% decentralized digital tokens that allow holders from all over the world to benefit from a business model with injection of external capital, which does not require new investors.

The injection of external capital makes it so that only the resource that enters DeFi, through direct purchase on the chart, is taken out of circulation.

"Take the Leve way of investing in your pocket"

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